lördag, februari 25, 2006

Pictures 'round the Elk

The station hides a treasure.
From the garden.
Early morning sun.
Elk at X-mas.
The railwaystation on the other side.

Visit from the Bahamas

Marcus is visiting!

From the garden.
Dinner outdoor, Malin is tasting.

tisdag, februari 14, 2006

Guests from the UK!

For months last year we had the pleasure of two consultants from the UK living at the Elk most of the working week. First a picture with Ina - a visiting german consultant.

Left: Look at this blogg-site!

Left: Welcome to the White Elk!

Below: Out in the Swedish wilderness,
- Elk-spotting one late evening!
(John also won the international
class in the local Orientering competition.
Ash came in a good #2!).

Left: Lots of good food is served ... &enjoyed!

Left; Welcome to the White Elk (entrance)!

Below: The host and John; Early summer and Helena's
trainwagon has finally arrived (fully tagged);

The two gentlemen from the UK. One a ManCity fan (but not in disguise!). The other an ardent believer that the Huddersfield team will make the championship this year.
- Guess who is who?

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Hope to see you back soon, hopefully with the families!

The Keegans

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